Sunday, May 9, 2010

Behind the Ball

Together the two of us climbed
Unable to comprehend the vast incline
Leaving chartered courts behind
Springing upon something sweeter than wine
Looking beyond the sun soaked beams
There in the open atmosphere lay
A soggy tennis ball with broken seams
The last remains of a brighter day
I picked it up with uncertainty
Bounced and examined the object lean
And discovered a dull, dead entity
As it rolled lifelessly across the green
Then you reminded me of the game
Not long ago where our feet now stood
The day you defeated me with zealous aim
And suddenly, from that ball, I understood
You can’t go back and change your faults
They glow and linger like embers and dust
But you can learn how to dance and waltz
Overcoming setbacks before rain turns to rust

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