Monday, October 19, 2009

My Match

A poem I wrote for one of the biggest Giants fans I know...hopefully it will be somewhat consoling after the horrendous loss yesterday.

Your eyes winked at me from across the court,
The soft lashes of a good sport
The looping swing of your smooth forehand stroke,
Was as slick as your brown hair when you tenderly spoke
You hit selective shots that hugged the allies,
The play we created enabled incredible rallies
Your smile swelled my heart when we stopped play,
I pretended not to show admiration or send signals your way
We shared our deep-rooted values and common understanding,
It was easier than deciphering where your ball was landing
You were always a part of me in the time that passed,
I often thought about the moments we saw each other last
When you lose in tennis, your life is not altered,
But even the temporary loss of a friend leaves you faltered
A strong connection through fate leaves me hanging on,
Each precious day has new meaning because I’ve won
The score won’t show my victorious feat,
But in your eyes is where I know my match is complete

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