Saturday, February 28, 2009

Tune-up Time

The sunlight arrived unexpectedly early this morning. As I lay in my bed and opened my eyes, I realized it was lighter in my bedroom than it has been in quite some time. I heard an owl hoot conspicuously in the distance. The succinct sound was followed by the chirping of a seagull. The seabird’s familiar call captured my attention and I climbed out of bed. As my blurry eyes opened the blinds on my window, the urge to go outside suddenly surfaced. Spring is so near and it was one of those mornings where I could take my bike out for a trail ride. Soon I will bring my bike down from my apartment, tumbling down the stairs, and ride off to the bike shop for the annual tune-up. I look forward to that first ride of the year, after the long, cold winter months of being inside starting at my lonely bicycle. It’s still too cold to go outside and ride, even if I bundled up a bit. Tomorrow the weather forecast is calling for sleet and snow. March comes in like a lion but goes out like a lamb. I can’t wait for the lamb.
Biking is a liberating activity. I enjoy riding aimlessly through my small hometown, passing the brick buildings, old houses and snug stores and shops. Trail riding is more unfettering because you can lose your mind in the moment. The rocky gravel and dirt paths are placid and pleasant. Trees and small shrubs appear out of nowhere and tiny animals scutter across my path with instant trepidation. I love the sound of the birds because it reminds me of lounging on the beach during summer. The first ride of the year is a test of stamina and I slowly shift gears as I pace myself for the journey. There are no limits to where my bike will take me. As long as the wheels continue to spin, the brakes allow me to stop, and the handlebars guide the way, I can keep going. I love to feel the breezy air and the sweat drip from my helmet.
My bike still sits against the wall but soon the tires will be firm with air and the chain will be lubricated. I’ll shine up the paint and dust off the rust. The seat will feel brand new as I take the road. That first tune-up brings new life to an old toy. It’s instant gratification. The first ride of the year is well worth the wait. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. It’s true.
For now, I think I will relax inside with some old TV shows, some scorching coffee, some new music and some Spring baseball on the radio. It’s easy enough to catch up with indoor activities when the lion is still roaring.

Parting points: “I’m hanging on here until I’m gone, I’m right where I belong, just hanging on even though I pass this time alone somewhere so unknown, it heals the soul”- February Stars by Foo Fighters

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