Wednesday, March 2, 2011

March Mad-less

Going, Going Gone

Soft kisses on stormy nights
That it what you are to me.
The thought of touching you,
Sets my smile in motion
As far as the eye can see.
I can’t hide the way I feel
As you move into me.
The reassuring breath of you,
Is like the sun that breaks the clouds
Between the offing and the sea.
Now that you’re gone,
You’re afraid we went too far
And I’m afraid of what we are.
But we’re not children anymore,
Responsibility is more than a chore.
Because you are gone,
I’m alone behind this shield
Neglectful of how your body feels
Hurtful from the things you said
As tired as the time that fled.
What remains are broken strings,
Empty hands wrapped in tears.
The separation from you,
Not unlike the shoulders strong
Burdened and beaten by years.

March Mad-less

At cliff’s edge,
What holds you back
When all the others slip through the crack?
What prevents the poison
From pushing you tolling
As if you were a pebble rolling?
Devoid of glory,
What drives your reason
When you enter your darkest season?
What begins the rise
From dejected to determined
As if you caught hold of the screaming wind?

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