Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Goodbye Greed

I have a New Year’s wish for our sports nation. In 2009, I’d like to see the end of the greedy athlete. You know the ones I am talking about. This year, greed has been the dominant theme in all sports. From money-hungry owners, ego-driven managers and selfish, me-first athletes, I’ve had entirely enough. Is it too much to ask in this day and age for a mature, responsible, gracious and selfless megastar?
Professional athletes are some of the most motivated and dedicated people, but they can also be so ignorant and self-absorbed. Too many people are losing their jobs, being laid off, forced to sell their homes or declare bankruptcy. Athletes are lucky and take their talent and fame for granted too often. They seem to always want more, more, more and seldom do they see the large picture. Ordinary people are simply struggling to survive. Meanwhile, athletes are driving drunk, doing drugs, carrying weapons, assaulting each other and refusing to play if they don’t get their way. They complain about being underpaid, under appreciated and misunderstood.
As a sports lover and absolute fanatic, it appalls me to read stories every day about greedy athletes. It is true athletes work hard and deserve their day in the sun. You can’t knock them for showing off their skills. But every now and then, I’d like to see one just not be in the spotlight for a negative reason. Focus should be on the field, not off. Sport and society go hand-in-hand and I’m afraid I can say the same for both in 2008---greed has taken over.

Parting points: I watched 61 about the Roger Maris-Mickey Mantle 1961 homerun race. It’s one of my favorite movies and I just remember Maris and Elston Howard both passed away on December 14th in different years.
How about them Cowboys?!

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